Once again, I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the many friends who came out on Sunday morning to hear my lecture addressing both the pro and con [officiation] sides of the question regarding the role that of those who are not Jewish in Jewish ritual.   Thank you for your patience as I continue on this "rabbinic quest" to discern whether my position and authority as Rabbi permits me to officiate at interfaith wedding ceremonies. 

For those who were not able to be with us, the full text of my remarks from Sunday's Session 3 can be found here.  The text reference sheet for Session 3 can be found here.  Material from Session 1 in January can be found here.  And material from Session 2 in February can be found here.

Your questions, thoughts, and reflections are most welcome....feel free to add a comment here on the blog, drop me an email, or call the temple office so that we can schedule a meeting together.

Kindly, Rabbi Brown

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